Campus Transp (Bikes+) Programmers Bi-Weekly Zoom

Sometime around the pandemic a bi-weekly Zoom meeting of members of our network started up and has been the most active part of this network. It meets on the 1st and 3rd Thurs. afternoon of each month @ 4 pm (ET/EDT). If you’d like to join this meeting please email moderator/ manager Jeff Bruchez (UC Davis’ Active Modality Manager) for the Zoom connection link.

Contact Jeff for a link to running notes and topics for discussion.

Great National Campus Bike Summit!

Great National Campus Bike Summit to William Varney, Shane Tedder, Lance Broeking, Sandra Broadwill & everyone else involved. Thanks so much for putting it all together and making the experience so positive.

Here’s a link to my Strava report from the ride around campus on Oct. 18, 2024:

Here are a bunch of photos and videos & a 2nd batch on our Facebook group. Please add your own photos and videos there. Justin Mog of UKY-Louisville posted more photos here on Facebook.

Here’s a link to many more photos & videos in the cloud (Google Photos):

Hope to see you in Montana next year!

Big news for our network!

42 universities awarded a Bike Friendly University award for the first time or renewed!

Here’s the LAB’s press release.

Congrats to all the universities that got recognized for their efforts in becoming BFU’s!

2019 Bicycle Friendly University awards announced!

US map of the BFUs in 2019
US map of the BFUs in 2019

Courtesy Amelia Neptune, LAB, October 17, 2019

I’m very excited to share that the League of American Bicyclists has announced our 2019 Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) awards this morning, with 48 New and Renewing BFUs, and 4 Honorable Mentions.

A few highlights from the 2019 Round:

There are 3 new Platinum-level BFUs (for a new total of 8) with the addition of UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, and UW-Madison. Stanford, Portland State University, and Colorado State University all renewed their existing Platinum statuses this round as well.

We also added our first BFU in the state of West Virginia, so there are now 208 Bicycle Friendly Universities awarded in 47 states + DC. (We’re just missing Hawaii, North Dakota, and Delaware!)

The largest campus to be awarded this round was The Ohio State University, with over 61,000 students, which moved up from Bronze to Silver, and the smallest campus in this round was M State Fergus Falls, with 700 students, which is a new Bronze-level BFU.

See the full announcement here.

BFUs in 2019 infographic
BFUs in 2019 infographic

And the full current list of BFUs here.

The 2020 BFU Application is already open for submissions, and the deadline to apply next year is August 25, 2020. (But it’s never too early to get started!)  Find the online application and Word document preview here.

Learn more about the BFU program here.

Thanks, and a giant congratulations to all 52 schools being recognized today!

Cheers, Amelia

National Bike Summit 2017 photos

Some photos from NBS 2017.  Photos by Tim Potter except where noted.
These photos plus more on Facebook here.

51 New and Renewing Bicycle Friendly Universities Announced!

Northwest U BFU press-release-11-2016
Northwestern Univ. in Evanston, IL, was one of the new BFUs this round.

Fantastic news to see so many of our members getting national recognition for their hard work making their campuses more bike friendly!  164 universities are recognized now!?  Wow!

Here’s an excerpt from the League of American Bicyclists’ press release on Nov. 28, 2016:

“Today, the League of American Bicyclists announced 51 new and renewing Bicycle Friendly Universities℠  (BFUs)  from 25 states, There are now 164 BFUs in 44 states and Washington, DC, a cutting-edge group of colleges and universities across the United States transforming their campuses and the communities around them.”

Read the full article here.

MSU Hosts First Bike Friendly America Conference

The Tour de MSU group poses
The Tour de MSU group poses in front of MSU’s mascot Sparty statue.

As members of the MSU’s Bike Advisory Committee analyzed what made the country’s five platinum-level Bike Friendly Universities so successful it became apparent that MSU needed to get their neighboring communities on board with the same vision to pursue becoming a platinum-level Bike Friendly Community.  This led to reaching out to the League of American Bicyclists and deciding to bring one of their staff to the university to meet with the committee and facilitate meetings with neighboring community leaders.

Steve Sanders, Alternative Transportation Manager of U of MN
Steve Sanders, Alternative Transportation Manager of U of MN, presented the UMN story.

As the cost estimates climbed the idea of turning the visit into a day conference started to come together.  Eventually a new concept for a conference, a Bike Friendly America Conference, was hatched and after months of planning and seeking out sponsors, presenters and attendees the 1st ever conference of its type is now history.

The MSU team is now beginning to think about next year and whether to continue the conference on its campus or to encourage other universities to host it.  Please contact Tim Potter if you’re interested in possibly hosting the event in 2017.

A wrap-up article featuring photos and video highlights can be seen here on the MSU Bikes’ blog.

Bicycle Friendly University Program Graduates to New Heights

BFU logoIt’s an exciting morning for 49 universities and colleges around the country who are new and renewing Bicycle Friendly Universities.  This new list of BFUs represents a tremendous amount of work by hundreds if not thousands of people in these universities not to mention the monetary investments too in the effort to make campuses more bike friendly and educate the next generation on safe bicycling habits.

Read the League’s full press release here.

Keep up the great work everyone!

Stanford Main Quad


PBIC webinar “Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety on University Campuses”

Screenshot from webinar
Screenshot from webinar

Six of our MSU Bike Advisory Committee sat in on an excellent webinar titled “Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety on University Campuses”on October 16, 2015.  It was hosted by the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (which is housed within the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center) an excellent resource for all kinds of materials to help us make our campuses more bike friendly.

You can see the archived version here (both the Powerpoint and the audio recording):

Excellent examples from 3 universities (U of WI-Milwaukee,  UC- Berkeley, NCSU) that are doing some great work to make their campuses safer for everyone moving around.