Monday – Bicycle Friendly Univ. Mobile Workshop at the U of Maryland
A first-time BFU focused mobile workshop offering at the Summit. Unfortunately, it’s full (as of 3/1/17). Will be posting photos and notes after returning from the Summit.

Tuesday evening Social get-together – Time – place TBD
We’re planning an informal after all the other parties, so if you’d like to meet and network with other higher ed bike people adding your name/ email to the poll below and we’ll make sure you get the info. on where/ when we’ll be getting together when everyone else is emailed.

Wed. Campus Bike Programmer Round-table Brunch – 10 am – 1pm
Rm. 3300 – Symons Hall, College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, UMD (ask once inside the bldg. for further directions)
For those of you unable to participate in lobbying your legislators during the National Bike Summit 2017, get together with your fellow campus bike programmer – coordinator during brunch and enjoy an informal round-table discussion time. Pls. include your email address w/ your name so we can update you on meeting location, etc.
According to our host, Aaron Goldbeck, Bicycle Coordinator UMD, “Probably the best way to get there is to take the Metro to College Park and then use our bikeshare to get to campus. That is exactly what we are doing for the mobile workshop, so assuming that everyone coming to this meeting has done the workshop it should be pretty easy.”
Bicycle Friendly University Showcase Poster Sessions
The 2017 National Bike Summit will highlight innovative transportation research and bicycle-friendly programs and initiatives from bicycle-friendly campuses across the country. Colleges and Universities that participate in the League’s Bicycle Friendly University program are invited to present a poster showcasing their efforts and achievements.
All posters will be presented twice during the 2017 National Bike Summit:
Monday, March 6, 3:30-5:00pm
Renaissance Hotel & Conference Center (Room TBA)
Poster set up: 3:15-3:30pm
Wednesday, March 8, 1:30-2:30pm
Rayburn Foyer, Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Poster set up: 1-1:30pm
Questions? Contact AMELIA NEPTUNE
Program Manager, Bicycle Friendly Business & University