Email List / Contact

Not a subscriber/ member of the Campus Bike Programmers Google Group?
Stay in the loop with your colleagues and get news and information related to
bike programs around N. America!

How to Join:
Just visit our Google group home and join as you would any Google group, or send an email to this address to subscribe. Vendors are allowed in this group but we ask them to limit their posts to introductions, surveys, white papers and reports but no advertisements.

If you’re subscribing from an ‘.edu’ address your join request will be approved quickly.  If you want to subscribe with any other type of email address to help speed up your approval please email Tim Potter (group admin) an introduction and which univ/ college/ vendor/ org. you represent.  Some background on your interest in joining would be nice as well.  This is for the administrator to know you’re not a spam-bot!

Once your request is approved please post an intro. of your school’s bike program or Q&As as you see the need/ have the time.  If your post doesn’t go thru for some reason email Tim Potter and he’ll look into it.  After you’re a member simply post to:

Thinking of Surveying the Members?
Surveying the list is a very popular thing to do and OK to do, but please use online forms like Survey Monkey rather than asking your questions in the body of an email which will generate  more responses and then PLEASE share summaries of survey responses back with the group to help grow our knowledge base.

Search the Archives:
Looking for ideas and help with a project?  For the web interface which allows you to search and read archived posts to the list click here.

Note about Vendors: 
While we do allow vendors to subscribe and post (introduce themselves and their companies) we do not condone them posting advertisements/ marketing messages to the list.  There is a limit of 2 subscribers from any one company.  Marketing surveys and other posts are allowable as long as they’re not thinly veiled commercials for products/ services.

Google Group for Univ. Bike People only (and public govt./ non-profits):  Only email addresses that end in ‘.edu’ or ‘.org’ or some govt. agency will be approved for membership.  Members who forward their addresses or emails to a vendor/ for-profit company will be removed.
NOTEYou need to be logged out of all Google apps in order to subscribe with your ‘.edu, .org, .gov, etc.’ address.

Here’s the address for the group:

Facebook Group
Connect with us via our page on Facebook for those things that may not warrant going on the listserv.

Contact information
Contact Tim Potter @ MSU Bikes for Q’s related to the list or this website.