AASHE 2014 Conference Gathering Memories

Here are some pics from the AASHE conference in Portland (10/26-10/30/14) where some of us presented and also got together for dinner (Luc Lac Vietnamese Kitchen: http://www.luclackitchen.com).  Many more pics from my visit here (PSU & Portland City facilities) and here (shops and bikes).


9 of Top 10 National Universities Now BFUs!

Congratulations to all the 2014 Bicycle Friendly University Awardees and Honorable Mentions just announced on Campus Sustainability Day (Oct. 21, 2014)!
Excerpt below courtesy League of American Bicyclists:

9 of Top 10 National Universities Now BFUs
October 21, 2014
by Liz Murphy
100 Colleges and Univs now BFUs!
100 Colleges and Univs now BFUs!

Today, on Campus Sustainability Day, the League of American Bicyclists announced 33 new and renewing Bicycle Friendly Universities (BFU) in 20 states. With this new round, 9 of the to 10 colleges and universities in the country, according to the 2014 U.S. News & World Report ranking, are Bicycle Friendly Universities.

These institutions join a cutting-edge group of colleges and universities from across the United States transforming their campuses and the communities around them. There are now a total of 100 BFUs in 37 states and Washington, D.C.

Click image to right or here to read full article.

Bikes on Campus Webinar report

It was a pleasure to present with consultant Alison Kendall & Amelia Neptune in an hour & a half webinar today titled “Bikes on Campus” this afternoon for approx. 50 univ. folks from around the country. Unfortunately we didn’t have as much time for Q&A as we should have but the Qs we did get were quite excellent.  A large focus of the presentation was on the Bike Friendly University program and how a university can become more bike friendly.

Encouraging to know that there’s so much interest in what we’re doing! Hopefully many more univ’s will be joining our growing network.

Bicycles 2013: Planning, Design, Operations, and Infrastructure Reports

Bicycles 2013: Planning, Design, Operations, and Infrastructure
Bicycles 2013: Planning, Design, Operations, and Infrastructure

Thanks to a recent post from Tanya DeOliveira (Planner, Clemson University Planning & Design) the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies has released “Volume 2387 / Bicycles 2013: Planning, Design, Operations, and Infrastructure”.  This volume contains 17 reports related to research focused on bicycling that were presented at the last TRB Annual Meeting.

These reports are available for no charge to TRB members or member institutions.  Here’s the summary page.

If your university is a member institution you should be able to view and download the PDF reports from this page.


University Campuses Are Transportation Trailblazers as Young People Lead Shift From Driving

Cover of "New Course" report by US PIRG
Cover of “New Course” report by US PIRG

A number of our member universities are cited in this new report from the US Public Interest Research Group.  Great to see higher education institutions getting some recognition in steering the way for the nation’s future transportation systems.

NEWS RELEASE – Wednesday, February 5, 2014

“As Millennials lead a national shift away from driving, universities  are giving students new options for getting around and becoming innovators in transportation policy, according to a new report released today. The report, titled, “A New Course: How Innovative University Programs Are Reducing Driving on Campus and Creating New Models for Transportation Policy” was released by U.S. PIRG Education Fund.

Click the cover image to the right or link above to read the rest of the release.

Newest Bicycle Friendly Universities Announced!

Students riding bikes on the UC Davis campus.
Students riding bikes on the UC Davis campus. Photo: University of California, Davis, courtesy of League of American Bicyclists

The League of American Bicyclists just released their 2013 list of Bicycle Friendly Universities — (11/14/2013)

Congrats to all the new additions and to those who moved up in the rankings!  A special shout out to David at UC Davis for becoming the second Platinum BFU — you run an amazing program there. I recently heard Bill Nesper from the League talk about this BFU program at the Bike Symposium as part of the AORE conference here. It really is a valuable process for bringing together all the parts of the university who work on biking, and for getting feedback on how to improve. Next deadline is August 2014!

(courtesy of member Jessica Zdeb, Transportation Planner, Toole Design Group)

Note:  Our List of University Bike Programs has been updated with BFU status through fall 2013. If your university isn’t on this list please add it (it’s a Wiki page, so anyone can update it!).

Bike Symposium @ the AORE Conference 2013

Campus Bike Programmer's dinner attendees, AORE - Bike Symposium
Campus Bike Programmer’s dinner attendees, AORE – Bike Symposium (L to R: Tim Potter, MSU Bikes; Ginny Sullivan, Adventure Cycling; Jessica Zdeb, Toole Design; Beverly Malone, UMD Transportation; John Brandt, UMD Bikes Coord; Gerald Fittipaldi, Civil Engr.; Devan Tracy, Engineer.

A number of our members attended the annual conference of the Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education (AORE) held at the U of MD in College Park, MD, Nov. 7 – 9th. It was the first year for the Bike Symposium which featured quite a good variety of topics and presentations from different universities around the country.  Our colleagues from the UMD Transportation office (Beverly Malone, Asst Director; Mike Levengood, UMD bikeUMD bicycle coordinator) and the conference co-host Mike Doyle, Asst. Director, Campus Recreation Services, were gracious hosts and showed me around to my amazement of everything that can be done within the confines of an older university with very tight space.

Here are links to a couple presentations from AORE-2013:

Presentation by Boise-St-Univ: This 35 pg. presentation focused on the creation of Boise State’s relatively new ‘Cycle Learning Center’ (opened fall of ’11):

Ask the Experts gathering, AORE - Bike Symposium
Ask the Experts gathering, AORE – Bike Symposium (L to R: Beverly Malone, Jessica Zdeb, Gerald Fittipaldi, Rick Dawson, CSU – Monterey Bay)

“Campus Bike Planning 101″ : (21 pgs) was given by Jessica Zdeb of the Toole Design Group, with the assistance of Beverly Malone, of U-MD. An excellent resource/ reference for universities looking to develop a comprehensive bike plan or improve/ update the plan they might already have:

For 2014 the AORE annual conference will move to Portland, Oregon (Nov. 12 – 14), so hopefully that location and having one symposium under our belts will combine for an even better turn-out and program!  Be sure and hold the date and your budget to attend!

More of my pics from the AORE Conference and UMD visit that might interest you are here.

Best Practices in Campus Bicycle Planning

One-way cycle track at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts
One-way cycle track at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts

Alta Planning, a leading consulting firm in N. America, published an excellent paper on best practices in campus bike facilities planning.  Take a look at the PDF report here.  Alta’s mission is to create active communities where bicycling and walking are safe, healthy, and fun.  Nice that university-related bike programming is growing as a subject of research.

More March Madness: Universities Secure Berth as Bicycle-Friendly Campuses

BFU-logoNew awards heat up the competition among college conferences 

Washington, D.C. – March 29, 2012 – The NCAA basketball tournament is down to the Final Four, but the bracket of Bicycle Friendly Universities (BFU) is expanding. Today, the League of American Bicyclists advanced nine new universities to the elite ranks of bicycle-friendly campuses.

“As universities compete for students and status, becoming more bicycle-friendly is a winning strategy that energizes and invigorates staff and the student body, not just in March, but year-round,” said Andy Clarke, President of the League of American Bicyclists. “By making cycling safe and enjoyable, BFUs are both educating and empowering the next generation to adopt smarter, healthier transportation habits that will last a lifetime.”

  • Read full article here.
  • Go here to the League’s BFU page for more information.

Third Gathering of the Univ. Bike Programmers


Ramon Zavala, UC- Irvine and friend, Luis A. Vivanco, Ph.D., U of VT and my friend, Chris Phelan, founder of the Ride of Silence.

Third Gathering of the Univ. Bike Programmers @ the 2012 National Bike Summit

A small group of us gathered during the Natl. Bike Summit, Mar. 21st at Fausto Coppi’s Organic Restaurant one of the only bike-themed restaurants I’ve ever visited, and not just any bike theme but historic Italian racing theme after the late Italian legend Fausto Coppi.  The place is decorated with old-school bike racing photos and memorabilia.