Sometime around the pandemic a bi-weekly Zoom meeting of members of our network started up and has been the most active part of this network. It meets on the 1st and 3rd Thurs. afternoon of each month @ 4 pm (ET/EDT). If you’d like to join this meeting please email moderator/ manager Jeff Bruchez (UC Davis’ Active Modality Manager) for the Zoom connection link.
Contact Jeff for a link to running notes and topics for discussion.
Category: News
Big news for our network!
42 universities awarded a Bike Friendly University award for the first time or renewed!
Here’s the LAB’s press release.
Congrats to all the universities that got recognized for their efforts in becoming BFU’s!

New! Campus-biking-archives!
Thanks to the generosity of one of our founders, Tim Ledlie (founding manager of Harvard Quad Bikes, one of the early university-owned bike shops in the USA), he has created a new Google group, the Campus-Biking-Archive:
Here is a description of the group:
This is an archive of conversations over the which existed from 2008 to 2020. This archive contains a selection of the ~1300 threads from that list that had 4 or more responses.
This new Google group is meant as an archive that can be searched by campus bike programmers who want to see what was previously discussed on a topic. No one can post new messages to the group, and there should never be anything to update with it.
The group content is only available to members of who’ve been granted access to it and not to members of (that is, no vendors are going to be given access). Members of the should now be able to go to and search the archives.
Some updates to our website (which Tim also kindly updated and hosts since its inception)
– removed the menu link to “FAQ / Best Practices”, since the campus-biking-archive google group is replacing that
– updated the Resources page – update the Email List / Contact page to add information about the new campus-biking-archive and remove information about the old wisc list archive
Onward forward!
Out with the Old – New Campus Biking Google Group
Due to support for our prior listserv having gone away, we have converted to the same list name (now with an ending of, note that this ends in
(Outgoing list:
All individuals on the outgoing list should now have been added by us to the above Google Group and you may begin using this. Please change your email contact for Campus-Biking to have the new email and switch your use to this.
Do let us know if you have any difficulties with this new list.
Thank you. Be healthy.
Tim Potter / Jim Rogers
Campus-biking Group Admins
2019 Bicycle Friendly University awards announced!
Courtesy Amelia Neptune, LAB, October 17, 2019
I’m very excited to share that the League of American Bicyclists has announced our 2019 Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) awards this morning, with 48 New and Renewing BFUs, and 4 Honorable Mentions.
A few highlights from the 2019 Round:
There are 3 new Platinum-level BFUs (for a new total of 8) with the addition of UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, and UW-Madison. Stanford, Portland State University, and Colorado State University all renewed their existing Platinum statuses this round as well.
We also added our first BFU in the state of West Virginia, so there are now 208 Bicycle Friendly Universities awarded in 47 states + DC. (We’re just missing Hawaii, North Dakota, and Delaware!)
The largest campus to be awarded this round was The Ohio State University, with over 61,000 students, which moved up from Bronze to Silver, and the smallest campus in this round was M State Fergus Falls, with 700 students, which is a new Bronze-level BFU.
See the full announcement here.
And the full current list of BFUs here.
The 2020 BFU Application is already open for submissions, and the deadline to apply next year is August 25, 2020. (But it’s never too early to get started!) Find the online application and Word document preview here.
Learn more about the BFU program here.
Thanks, and a giant congratulations to all 52 schools being recognized today!
Cheers, Amelia
New Bike Friendy Universities announced!
Nov. 14, 2018
Nov. 14, 2018
Courtesy Amelia Neptune, Director, Bicycle Friendly America Program, League of American Bicyclists:
I’m excited to share that today the League of American Bicyclists is announcing our 2018 Bicycle Friendly University awards!
Congratulations to all the 45 new and renewing Bicycle Friendly Universities and Colleges being announced today!
You can check out the formal announcement on the LAB blog here.
2017 Bike Friendly Univ. Awards – 46 New & Renewing
Better late than never right? Right. Well, as of early November 2017, the “League of American Bicyclists announced 46 new and renewing Bicycle Friendly Universities℠ (BFUs), There are now 182 BFUs in 45 states and Washington, DC, a cutting-edge group of colleges and universities across the United States transforming their campuses and the communities around them.”
Congratulations to all these new BFU’s!
Assoc. for Commuter Transportation Get-together
This was the first year for a get-together of University Bike Programmers at the ACT Conference, this year in New
Orleans, LA. This conference brought together about 500 people from all over the country and some from overseas to talk about how to get more people to commute to work via modes other than driving themselves in their own motor vehicle (Single-occupancy Vehicles or SOV’s). This is also known as “Transportation Demand Management” and many universities have full-time staff working hard on this to keep their campuses from being overrun with congestion on their roads searching for parking spots. Some universities, which were blessed with lots of property, are just beginning to discover that there are long-term and very expensive consequences to continue to build out that property with surface parking lots or multi-story ramps/ garages. You might consider joining ACT and beefing up the membership with people who believe in bicycling as one of the cheapest “dates” in the arsenal of ways to reduce the headaches related to SOV’s on our campuses.
Anyway, below are some photos I shot during our get-together of approx. 20 people. You might recognize some familiar faces!
Many more bike-related photos that I shot during the conference can be found on Facebook here.
National Bike Summit 2017 photos
Some photos from NBS 2017. Photos by Tim Potter except where noted.
These photos plus more on Facebook here.
National Bike Summit 2017 BFU offerings
Monday – Bicycle Friendly Univ. Mobile Workshop at the U of Maryland
A first-time BFU focused mobile workshop offering at the Summit. Unfortunately, it’s full (as of 3/1/17). Will be posting photos and notes after returning from the Summit.
Tuesday evening Social get-together – Time – place TBD
We’re planning an informal after all the other parties, so if you’d like to meet and network with other higher ed bike people adding your name/ email to the poll below and we’ll make sure you get the info. on where/ when we’ll be getting together when everyone else is emailed.
Wed. Campus Bike Programmer Round-table Brunch – 10 am – 1pm
Rm. 3300 – Symons Hall, College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, UMD (ask once inside the bldg. for further directions)
For those of you unable to participate in lobbying your legislators during the National Bike Summit 2017, get together with your fellow campus bike programmer – coordinator during brunch and enjoy an informal round-table discussion time. Pls. include your email address w/ your name so we can update you on meeting location, etc.
According to our host, Aaron Goldbeck, Bicycle Coordinator UMD, “Probably the best way to get there is to take the Metro to College Park and then use our bikeshare to get to campus. That is exactly what we are doing for the mobile workshop, so assuming that everyone coming to this meeting has done the workshop it should be pretty easy.”
Bicycle Friendly University Showcase Poster Sessions
The 2017 National Bike Summit will highlight innovative transportation research and bicycle-friendly programs and initiatives from bicycle-friendly campuses across the country. Colleges and Universities that participate in the League’s Bicycle Friendly University program are invited to present a poster showcasing their efforts and achievements.
All posters will be presented twice during the 2017 National Bike Summit:
Monday, March 6, 3:30-5:00pm
Renaissance Hotel & Conference Center (Room TBA)
Poster set up: 3:15-3:30pm
Wednesday, March 8, 1:30-2:30pm
Rayburn Foyer, Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515
Poster set up: 1-1:30pm
Questions? Contact AMELIA NEPTUNE
Program Manager, Bicycle Friendly Business & University