Here are some pics from the AASHE conference in Portland (10/26-10/30/14) where some of us presented and also got together for dinner (Luc Lac Vietnamese Kitchen: Many more pics from my visit here (PSU & Portland City facilities) and here (shops and bikes).
A quintessential Portland bicyclist, ready for the weather and able to carry anything (well, for now, primarily his young child!).
Shared-use paths are nicely and obviously marked for both bikes and peds
Shared-use paths are nicely and obviously marked for both bikes and peds
Crossing over to tour PSU’s newest jammed bike commuter facility.
Entryway into PSU’s newest jammed bike commuter facility.
Newest indoor secure bike parking and commuter facility
Ramp into PSU’s newest jammed bike commuter facility.
PSU’s newest jammed bike commuter facility.
Uni-sex locker room at PSU’s newest bike commuter facility
Very nicely done curb cuts from the shared-use-path across a busy road
At the valet bike parking area near the tram station for the medical univ that’s at the top of a mountain.
At the valet bike parking area near the tram station for the medical univ that’s at the top of a mountain.
At the valet bike parking area near the tram station for the medical univ that’s at the top of a mountain.
Shared use path passes a street-car stop.
Shared use path markings crossing a busy intersection.
One of the well-marked bridge paths.
One of the many green boxes at an intersection
Some newly made friends from Canada from the Regensis program of York University:
…from the Regensis program of York University:
Waiting at a Copenhagen Left green box
A very nice and fun corkscrew path from one of the bridges down to the river-path.
Having coffee with some of my fellow univ bike programmers
Dinner time w/ fellow univ. bike programmers
View of downtown Portland and beyond during a rare clear sky moment; Mt. Hood could be seen way off in the distance.
Interior of the PSU Bike Hub; Clint gave numerous tours.
Interior of one of the PSU secure bike parking garages.
Interior of one of the PSU secure bike parking garages.
Detail of double-stack racks in one of PSU’s secure bike parking facility.
Interior of one secure bike parking facility at PSU.
Exterior of the one free-standing secure bike parking facility at PSU.
Interior of the one free-standing secure bike parking facility at PSU.
University bike programmers gathering during the Natl. Bike Summit 2014.
A handful of university bike programmers had a great BFU dinner on Tuesday night. Here’s a photo from the dinner, and below are the names and affiliations of everyone who attended (click to enlarge the photo).
One example of a univ.-based bike sharing system @ Texas A& M’s Maroon bikes. Click pic to visit their site.
As we all know ‘bike sharing’ is a very hot topic on our campuses. For those of you interested in learning more about the state of bike sharing systems the Assoc. of Ped and Bike Professionals has 1 more session on the topic coming up Mar. 5th titled “The Future of Bikeshare Transit Systems” that sounds worth the $50 for members ($85 non-mbr); earlier sessions are all available for download (for a fee). To learn more and register go here.
More bike sharing related resources:
Bike Share Philadelphia – great source for general info on the industry world-wide (global map, videos, photos, news articles, etc.)
Campus Bike Programmer’s dinner attendees, AORE – Bike Symposium (L to R: Tim Potter, MSU Bikes; Ginny Sullivan, Adventure Cycling; Jessica Zdeb, Toole Design; Beverly Malone, UMD Transportation; John Brandt, UMD Bikes Coord; Gerald Fittipaldi, Civil Engr.; Devan Tracy, Engineer.
A number of our members attended the annual conference of the Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education (AORE) held at the U of MD in College Park, MD, Nov. 7 – 9th. It was the first year for the Bike Symposium which featured quite a good variety of topics and presentations from different universities around the country. Our colleagues from the UMD Transportation office (Beverly Malone, Asst Director; Mike Levengood, UMD bikeUMD bicycle coordinator) and the conference co-host Mike Doyle, Asst. Director, Campus Recreation Services, were gracious hosts and showed me around to my amazement of everything that can be done within the confines of an older university with very tight space.
Here are links to a couple presentations from AORE-2013:
Ask the Experts gathering, AORE – Bike Symposium (L to R: Beverly Malone, Jessica Zdeb, Gerald Fittipaldi, Rick Dawson, CSU – Monterey Bay)
“Campus Bike Planning 101″ : (21 pgs) was given by Jessica Zdeb of the Toole Design Group, with the assistance of Beverly Malone, of U-MD. An excellent resource/ reference for universities looking to develop a comprehensive bike plan or improve/ update the plan they might already have:
For 2014 the AORE annual conference will move to Portland, Oregon (Nov. 12 – 14), so hopefully that location and having one symposium under our belts will combine for an even better turn-out and program! Be sure and hold the date and your budget to attend!
More of my pics from the AORE Conference and UMD visit that might interest you are here.
Ramon Zavala, UC- Irvine and friend, Luis A. Vivanco, Ph.D., U of VT and my friend, Chris Phelan, founder of the Ride of Silence.
Third Gathering of the Univ. Bike Programmers @ the 2012 National Bike Summit
A small group of us gathered during the Natl. Bike Summit, Mar. 21st at Fausto Coppi’s Organic Restaurant one of the only bike-themed restaurants I’ve ever visited, and not just any bike theme but historic Italian racing theme after the late Italian legend Fausto Coppi. The place is decorated with old-school bike racing photos and memorabilia.