This was the first year for a get-together of University Bike Programmers at the ACT Conference, this year in New
Orleans, LA. This conference brought together about 500 people from all over the country and some from overseas to talk about how to get more people to commute to work via modes other than driving themselves in their own motor vehicle (Single-occupancy Vehicles or SOV’s). This is also known as “Transportation Demand Management” and many universities have full-time staff working hard on this to keep their campuses from being overrun with congestion on their roads searching for parking spots. Some universities, which were blessed with lots of property, are just beginning to discover that there are long-term and very expensive consequences to continue to build out that property with surface parking lots or multi-story ramps/ garages. You might consider joining ACT and beefing up the membership with people who believe in bicycling as one of the cheapest “dates” in the arsenal of ways to reduce the headaches related to SOV’s on our campuses.
Anyway, below are some photos I shot during our get-together of approx. 20 people. You might recognize some familiar faces!
Many more bike-related photos that I shot during the conference can be found on Facebook here.