Bicycles 2013: Planning, Design, Operations, and Infrastructure Reports

Bicycles 2013: Planning, Design, Operations, and Infrastructure
Bicycles 2013: Planning, Design, Operations, and Infrastructure

Thanks to a recent post from Tanya DeOliveira (Planner, Clemson University Planning & Design) the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies has released “Volume 2387 / Bicycles 2013: Planning, Design, Operations, and Infrastructure”.  This volume contains 17 reports related to research focused on bicycling that were presented at the last TRB Annual Meeting.

These reports are available for no charge to TRB members or member institutions.  Here’s the summary page.

If your university is a member institution you should be able to view and download the PDF reports from this page.


Author: Tim Potter

Sustainable Transportation Manager, MSU Bikes on the Mich. St. Univ. campus; co-founder of the Univ. Bike Programmer's Network in early '08; webmaster for Ride of Silence organization - Bilingual (Japanese), father of three, married to Hiromi Potter, daughter of 1961 Japanese National Keirin (professional track racing) Champion Seiichi Nishiji.

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